Our Services

Vision and Planning


Many law firms are born without a clear vision of who they are, and where they want to go. And even partners who have worked together for years often don’t know what each other actually want to get out of their business. Our firm facilitates a process to achieve partner alignment and solidify the vision for the firm; including establishing core values, marketing uniques, a multi-year vision, as well as identifying annual and quarterly goals to achieve that vision.

Fractional Integrator


There’s the visionary and there’s the integrator. A lot of law firm founders are visionaries, but sometimes they lack a strong #2 to be the glue of the organization, and simply “get stuff done.” Sometimes the hesitation to bring someone on for this role is that, while a very necessary role, it isn’t necessarily full-time, and a full-time integrator can be expensive. Let our firm serve as the fractional integrator as you grow, until you have the infrastructure to support a full-time hire.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)


Do you really know the health of your business? Are you able to spot future issues and mitigate them before they occur? The gift of KPIs is the ability to truly understand all aspects of the business and make informed decisions based on data. We work with you to create meaningful KPIs with benchmarks for every area of the business (finance, marketing/business development, legal productivity, etc.) and establish a system to track them regularly.

Best Practices and Processes


For new law firms and small firms, it’s easy not to prioritize best practices and processes. But as your practice grows, it’s important your operations are consistent and efficient in order to save time and ensure things are being handled correctly. We can start with an audit of your current processes and procedures and make recommendations to streamline your practice.

A few examples of best practices and processes to consider:

  • Billing frequency, timeliness, and consistency, A/R collections

  • Trust account procedures and monthly reconciliations

  • Engagement/disengagement of clients/matters

  • Onboarding/off-boarding of employees

  • Website blog posting and SEO best practices

Systems and Initiatives


Do you have the proper systems in place to successfully run your business? Are you spending lots of billable time on manual entries and person-centric processes? Or maybe you’ve decided you need a new billing system or cloud-based server, but do not have the time to manage the migration. We act as a supplement to your existing resources to augment your efforts, while serving as a strategic resource to drive the initiatives to successful completion.

Advisory Services


Whether you are considering bringing on a new partner, merging with another firm, or in the unfortunate situation of a business divorce, ING offers strategic advisory services to provide direction or guidance for any situation.

  • Partnership alignment

  • Mergers

  • Partner/Attorney compensation plans

  • Personnel issues

  • Firm restructuring/re-branding

  • Strategic recruiting

We meet you where you are, and help you continue moving forward.